Friday, April 25, 2014

Croup got you down? Sure-fire ways to heal with Young Living Essential Oils

2013 meschuk family039

Croup is like the itch that just won't go away in our house. My kids must have a big target on their backs and that big letter "C" comes with a vengeance. Not long ago we would make several late-night treks to the emergency room because the barky, seal-like cough was just too much to bear. We would wave the white flag and succumb to the steroid-filled inhalers and breathing treatments that the Doctors prescribed. Did I know any better? No. I never knew any other options existed that were completely natural and safe. Fast-forward to today and when that cold virus comes a knockin' followed by his friend the cough, I no longer dread the 3+ hour stays in the emergency room and feeling of helplessness. What is Croup? Croup refers to an infection of the upper airway, generally in children, which obstructs breathing and causes a characteristic barking cough. The cough and other symptoms of croup are the result of inflammation around the vocal cords (larynx), windpipe (trachea) and bronchial tubes (bronchi). When a cough forces air through this narrowed passage, the swollen vocal cords produce a noise similar to a seal barking. Likewise, taking a breath often produces a high-pitched whistling sound (stridor). (Mayo Clinic definition) Some kids are more prone (like mine) others may never get it after contracting a cold virus. In most cases it truly is mild or can warrant a scary ride to the emergency room. There are clear indicators to look for when reaching the red zone; difficulty breathing, pale white skin, coughing fits that are uncontrollable, dehydration etc... The good news is, there are some very specific actions you can take to avert croup. This is what we do at the immediate onset of a cold virus which always moves into my children's lungs and causes croup. Once I learned precisely what to do, I am happy to report we have had NO cases of croup in over 18 months! Some of that is age, as kids generally outgrow susceptibility to croup, but I still have 2 under the age of 5 and that puts them at risk for sure. First step at onset of a cold Diffuse Raven or RC immediately thru the night as your child sleeps. Rub on feet and chest. Why does this work so well? Raven contains Ravintsara, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint and Wintergreen. These are highly anti-viral and completely open up the airways. Also a great alternative for asthma sufferers or seasonal allergies instead of an inhaler.


RC contains a multitude of oils that calm the inflamed airways and kill the virus causing the cold.


Together these two powerful oils stop my children's cold dead in its tracks, eliminating the need for Tylenol, breathing treatments, OTC cold medicine or inhalers. However, every child responds differently and if the cough has persisted, then we administer the following to finish it off. 2 Specific Homeopathic Remedies for Croup The first remedy to stock in your medicine cabinet is Aconitum. This particular homeopathic needs to be used at the immediate onset of a croup-like cough. I would definitely give this if my children were frightened from the coughing fits or have anxiety as Aconitum specifically targets those behaviors. Typically give 30 each hour, if there is improvement then change the dose to every few hours. You will see the change immediately and a lot of times the child falls to sleep from over-exhaustion, and that is a good thing. Sleep near them to monitor breathing thru the night. photostream.ashx spongia-tosta-30k-55g-by-seroyal And then there are cases of the cough persisting. We then give Spongia tosta and continue until the coughing stops. If we are still coughing into the early morning hours and the cough has not returned to a normal "velvety" consistency we give Hepar sulph 30. In our 2 bouts of croup this year the essential oils alone have worked within 2 hours. But every child is different and all three of mine respond in their own unique way as well. Keep that in mind when going thru each step. There are alternatives to OTC's and prescriptions that work better, faster and are completely natural!

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