Friday, April 25, 2014

A Powerful testimony of ADHD and Young Living Essential Oils


 It is one thing to read something on a random blog and this for real?? But when I have the pleasure of hearing first-hand how lives are being changed all over the world with something as simple and pure as essential oils, it brings me to tears. Yes, tears. Because after all, isn't that what it is all about? Spreading good news and giving people the hope, tools and results they deserve! Not Synthetics, NOT Side-effects, NOT money to pharmaceutical companies who profit from you, banking on the fact that with each drug ensues a whole-host of negative reactions that only cause more drugs to be needed.

A big spider-web of pill bottles.
But you DO have a choice. And you have the power to choose for your child as well...
When I read this testimony on my private Facebook group, my heart was immediately full:

I wanted to share a quick testimony of just one of the ways oils have enhanced our lives. E had been having trouble in school showing signs of attention problems, anxiety, focus issues, overly sensitive, confidence issues etc etc. It had been progressively getting worse over the last 2 or 3 years and I was starting to grow very concerned. I didn't want to take her to the dr and have them tell me she had A. D. D. or to put her on anxiety meds or have them diagnose her as a certain thing or another. I HATE LABELS. I think they only further hurt a child who is already fighting an uphill battle. So after getting my starter pack I went into investigation mode. I came up with a daily regimen of the following. Brain power: temples, forehead, and thumbs and big toes. Yes I know that sounds weird but those are points connected to the brain. This stuff is AMAZING for focus. ( this is not in the kit you have to order separate but worth it's weight in gold.) Valor: spine and inside of wrists for confidence and it also seems to calm her. It gives a feeling of security Joy: right over her heart. For anxiety. Stress away: she likes it right near her throat. Says it takes away the lump in the throat feeling. Peppermint. I wake her up with it every morning. And put a little on her tummy to help with the nervous tummy aches she was getting. It has been a week now and she is a completely a different child. Attention, focus, emotional stability, confidence I could go on. I feel like I have my little girl back and I'm so thankful. Seriously we are speechless with the results. The best part is today I didn't have time this morning to do her oils before I left. I had to be at church early. When she got to church she told me she did her oils all on her own and she even gave daddy some stress away because she thought he could use some. I almost cried. This is a child who would forget everything, cry at the drop of a hat and would lose her head if it wasn't attached to her and here she was holding down the fort..... LIKE A BOSS. This is one happy momma and a customer for life."

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This Momma decided to take matters into her own hands, and before trying anything else reached for God-inspired medicine.

Pure, safe, natural little drops from Heaven!


One of the oils she mentions is Brain Power. This is the mack-daddy of oils to help lift the "fog" that so many children have.

What is it??

It is specifically formulated to include oils that are high in sesquiterpene compounds. These little babies play a huge role in dissolving petrochemicals along with receptor sites near the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. It helps to increase normal receptivity and increase oxygenation to those areas.

Increased oxygen=increased mental capacity, mental clarity and reduction of "brain fog"

What's in it?

Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia carteri) has anti-depressant and immune stimulating properties. The high sesquiterpenes level stimulates and oxygenates the limbic system of the brain which elevates our mood and helps us relax (overcome stress).

 Helichrysum Essential Oil (Helichrysum italicum) is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. It also improves circulation and may help cleanse the blood.

 Sandalwood Essential Oil (Santalum album) has anti-depressant, astringent, aphrodisiac and sedative properties. It is calming and emotionally balancing and is used for depression and stress.

 Cedarwood Essential Oil (Cedras atlantica) has anti-infectious, anti-fungal and sedative properties. It stimulates the pineal gland which releases melatonin. It is calming and purifying.

 Melissa Essential Oil (Melissa officinalis) has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant and relaxant properties. It is calming and uplifting and used for depression.

 Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) has analgesic and anti-spasmodic properties. It helps relief stress, sore muscles, menstrual cramps and nervous tension in the body.

 Blue Cypress Essential Oil (Callitris intratropica) has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, insect repellent, and sedative properties. It is a stimulant to the amygdala, pineal gland, pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

 How do I use it? (this is a suggested protocol) Use NEAT (undiluted). Then, Apply several drops (2-4) on ears, wrists, neck, forehead, temples or feet Apply to chakras/vitaflex points Directly inhale, or Diffuse. To me, this testimonial is simply stunning. A vibrant, healthy and happy little girl who is THRIVING on God's Medicine.

 There is NO denying Pure Essential Oils work. 

And as a celebration of this Momma's testimony and the MANY children out there who are hurting I am offering two very special Gifts from me during the month of April for new enrollments. This is the PERFECT time to dive in and receive the multitude of benefits these oils bring. With EVERY Premium Enrollment (Wholesale Membership) I will GIFT you a Care Package of: pocket reference 
 Pocket Reference Guide to Essential Oils. Everything you need to empower yourself in the world of Natural Healing. (Value $34)   A Stress-away Roll on 

(Value $25)

 Stress Away has been pivotal in our Autism/ADHD protocol and my boys LOVE when I put it on them each morning before school. What are the Documented Uses for Stress Away Essential Oil? Abuse, anger, anxiety and nervousness, argumentative, mental stress, parasympathetic nervous system, peace, PMS, relaxation, restlessness, sedative, natural restful sleep, stress (emotional and mental), tension, trauma and unwind. Plus many, many other tools to get you started. Here are a few quick links: Enroll HERE Read more HERE about Oils Catch up on other Powerful results of Essential Oils: Part 1 - ADHD, Behavioral Challenges and Autism Part 2 - ADHD and Autism


 *Disclaimer: These statements and any information contained on this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult individual products labels for safety information.      

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